In which direction lead the organization to better prepare for the future? What lessons can be learned from the experience of others? What innovative ways should be explored?
Sharpen your attention focus
Our work environments do not lend themselves easily to concentration. At the time and age of collaborative spaces and new technologies, how can you stay in control of your attention focus and maintain your personal productivity?
Thinking differently
We all have a natural preference for what is familiar to us. Yet, to adapt to circumstances, companies and their staff must constantly reinvent themselves, which requires that they get out of their usual thinking patterns. How can you nurture this healthy habit?
Contradictions, a source of innovation?
Great leaders are able to surmount apparent contradictions to devise original solutions that bridge the two initial options. How can you draw inspiration from their example to turn dilemmas into a source of creativity?
Implementing a successful reorganization
In a context of permanent change, companies need to reorganize frequently—but results are rarely satisfying. How can you maximize your chances of success in a reorganization initiative?
Collaborate with your customers
While the digital revolution has given consumers the possibility to involve themselves in the life of companies, very few businesses actually take advantage of this opportunity. How can you transform your consumers into privileged partners?
Support customer orientation in the field
The least qualified employees are often the ones in direct contact with customers—with a major impact on the perceived quality of service. How can you develop customer satisfaction through the engagement of your front-line employees?
Change management: The new deal
Nowadays, change no longer consists in moving organizations from a stable starting point to a stable target point. How can we revisit change management best practices to take into account this reality?