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What sets us apart

Systematic monitoring - Manageris

Systematic monitoring

We follow everything that is written, spoken, whether in English or in French, on issues that determine the future successes of companies and their leaders.

Rigorous selection - Manageris

Rigorous selection

We select the most relevant ideas for executives: those that allow them to take a step back, but also to spring into action.

Unique editorial slant - Manageris

Unique editorial slant

We seek to make things simple, without simplifying them. For us, the value of ideas comes from their nuances and from the possibility of adapting them to your context.

Our readers

Thousands of executives, managers, consultants and coaches read Manageris Synopses every month, all around the globe. They help them to take a step back from their own practices and find inspiration to experiment with new ways of doing things.

High quality synopses

Manageris Synopses are high-quality publications. They emphasize critical analysis and big-picture thinking and are also action-oriented. A great tool for keeping on top of current ideas in businessBernard Ramanantsoa, Dean of HEC Paris

Efficient and practical

Manageris Synopses efficient and practical. I have been reading them for years. In just a few minutes, I can stay abreast of the latest strategic thinking and reflect on how to improve my companyPierre-Yves Rallet, VP Marketing, SFR Business Team

Go-to management reference

I keep a library of my Manageris Synopses as my go-to management reference. The synopses are clear and very easy to readChristophe Esclattier, HR Director, Toshiba

Perfect resource for busy executives

Manageris Synopses are the perfect resource for a busy executive. They spark new ideas and help you think outside the box and explore new approachesBertrand Collomb, Honorary Chairman, Lafarge

Refreshing editorial insights

In the age of information overload, Manageris offers refreshing editorial insight into management issues, thought-provoking questions in a time-efficient format, that I take great pleasure in readingStéphane Roussel, HR Director, Vivendi

Powerful ongoing learning tool

Manageris is a powerful ongoing learning tool. Recommended to all leaders who wish to take a step back from day-to-day responsibilities to reflect on how to develop and improve one's performanceFrédéric Thoral, HR Director, BNP Paribas retail banking

Key business resource

Manageris Synopses are a key business resource. Not only do they allow me to keep up with best practices, but they also provide me with a quick reference on a variety of subjectsNader Barzin, Executive Coach, Professor at HEC Paris and ESSEC Business School

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