Human Resources
How to develop human capital? How to better control talent and skill management? How to coherently match the teams with the needs of the company?

Choosing the right leaders in turbulent times
How can one choose future leaders, who will renew the business without alienating its identity? Rather than defining an ideal profile, mixing various styles and experiences is the best way to face today's and tomorrow's challenges.

How to take safety to the next level?
As atypical as they may be, the high-reliability organizations—aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, space travel installations, etc.—are characterized by a remarkably low number of incidents. How to learn from their methods to raise the bar on safety?

Stimulate job satisfaction
A recent study shows that energy at work primarily feeds on the conviction that we can progress effectively. How can we use this lever to optimize resources by reinforcing staff work satisfaction?

Take advantage of the potential of older workers
The global population is aging. However, companies still have trouble fully capitalizing on their over-fifty workforce. How can you elicit the full potential of older workers?

Create a culture of accountability
Our defensive reflexes cause us to hold onto old habits, and thus obstruct change. How can we address issues in a more constructive and responsible manner?

Diversify career management
The working world has changed. Flexibility and personalization are the new watchwords in career management. How can you adapt career paths for increasingly diverse employee profiles?

Actively manage psychosocial disorders
Violence, harassment, excessive stress… How can you determine what really comes under the company’s responsibility? And how can you take effective action against psychosocial risks?

From training to action
Despite investing heavily in training, companies are often disappointed with the results. How to ensure that people make changes in their everyday work as a result of the training they receive?

Gender diversity for better performance
Beyond ethical considerations, how can you capitalize on the complementary leadership styles of men and women to reinforce organizational performance?