Personal Development
What skills to develop to best hold your role as a manager or leader? What tools to rely on? What subjects to put into practice?
Cultivate your creative potential
"Agile" companies need inventive leaders and employees. However, one needs not possess an innate gift for creativity to be an innovator. How can we evolve our mindset to develop our creative capabilities?
Grasp the invisible dynamics of the organization
Organizations often have a life of their own, whatever the efforts of their leaders to control it. How can you decode organizational dynamics to better influence them?
Protect yourself against strategic blindness
Companies that believe they are invulnerable are often in for a rude awakening. How can you avoid the tendency to ignore unpleasant truths?
The dangers of success
Success itself is often the root cause of failure, as people become lazy and arrogant, or overly optimistic about the future. How to recognize and avoid the traps of success?
Stimulate creativity in the field
How to stimulate the creativity of your employees? In addition to establishing sophisticated systems to collect ideas, companies would do well to adapt management practices accordingly.
Overcoming resistance to change
Change is emotionally draining on employees. To surmount resistance, companies must understand the underlying psychological barriers.
The coaching manager
The most sensitive role of managers is not to tell staff members what to do and how to do it, but to help them change their attitude and behavior.