What are the organizational models best suited to its own strategy and its particuliar context? How to enable the company to evolve and adapt to changes in its environment?

Driving change
Among all the factors that contribute to the success or failure of transformation initiatives, the attitude of staff towards change is absolutely decisive. How can you convince them to engage in the effort towards transformation?

Neuroscience and change
Our brain likes habits. To the extent of being opposed to any change? In reality, neuroscience demonstrates that we can adapt our practices in change management to the functioning of our brain.

Implementing a successful reorganization
In a context of permanent change, companies need to reorganize frequently—but results are rarely satisfying. How can you maximize your chances of success in a reorganization initiative?

Increase the resilience of your organization
All organizations are confronted with the risk of crises. Rather than vainly attempting to avoid them, it is better to develop the capability to absorb them and to learn from them. How can you acquire and cultivate resilience?

Successfully transitioning to the self-managed enterprise
While the ”liberated company” model provides a solution to agility challenges, it involves a real disruption in organizing the relationships among employees. What does it take to achieve such a radical change?

The holacratic company: beyond the utopia
The concept of the holacratic company attempts to give employees a maximum of autonomy by eliminating the constraints which hobble initiative. What underlies the success of organizations which have adopted this management approach?