
Choosing the right leaders in turbulent times
How can one choose future leaders, who will renew the business without alienating its identity? Rather than defining an ideal profile, mixing various styles and experiences is the best way to face today's and tomorrow's challenges.

Accelerating your environmental transition
The environmental transformation of companies is the most ambitious challenge there is. Although no one is yet claiming to have found a miraculous solution, certain pathways are taking shape. How can we reinvent ourselves to build a sustainable model?

Human error, the greatest safety challenge
Human errors are the source of most accidents. And they are often due to staff who were neither incompetent nor careless. How can we make our actions more reliable by developing a safety culture?

Anticipating climate change
An increasing number of companies are considering climate risks. How can you review your strategy and economic model to reduce your exposure and adapt to the carbon-neutrality objective?

Adapting to unsolicited change
We are subjected to change more often than we trigger it, which can cause a significant psychological burden. What process can we adopt to handle the feeling of loss that inevitably accompanies change?

Deciding while under pressure
When we make decisions, we are inevitably subjected to biases—that are all the more powerful when we are under pressure and the stakes are at their highest. How can you nonetheless secure the vital strategic decisions?