
Handling failures productively
Accepting the possibility of failure is essential in order to be able to experiment, innovate and adapt. But on a day-to-day basis, it is very often the need for operational performance that prevails. How can we identify and promote productive failures?

Experiment in the age of data
Relying on the current capabilities of data processing, many companies have placed continuous experimentation at the heart of their innovation strategy. How can you develop the rigor required for such an approach?

Innovate through experimentation
Experimentation is a powerful innovation accelerator which, thanks to the digital revolution, is much more accessible than before. Yet it remains under-utilized. How can you prompt people to acquire the reflex to experiment with their ideas?

Reconnect with your ingenuity to boost your capacity for innovation
After being long considered as players with low added value, emerging countries are now showing a surprising ability to innovate. What can be learned from their innovation approach?

Foster radical innovation
Innovation is at the heart of company priorities. Yet, large organizations mostly limit themselves to marginal innovations while leaving start-ups the prerogative for disruptive innovations. How can you set up an environment that is propitious to radical innovation?

Implementing Design Thinking
Based on proximity to the end user, on pragmatism and agility, Design Thinking promises to boost innovation. But this method can prove demanding to implement. How can you make the best possible use of it in your organization?

Improve the creative dynamic in your teams
Team creativity largely depends on the ability to build on the ideas of others. How can you draw on theatrical improvisation techniques to optimize the quality of creative discussions?

Encouraging employees’ appropriation of artificial intelligence
To establish a dynamic that allows taking full advantage of AI, we can find inspiration in the example of companies that are pioneers in this field. How can we prepare employees to actively participate in this transformation?