What Matters Most

What Matters Most

The key principles of corporate social and environmental responsibility.

Auteur(s) : Stephen Fenichell, Jeffrey Hollender

Éditeur : Basic Books

Date de parution : 2004

L'avis de manageris

This book describes the basics of what is known as “corporate social and environmental responsibility.” Out of a concern for clarity, many examples of model companies in this arena are cited to explain the key principles. In particular, it covers the manner in which a certain number of companies and production sectors have moved from an industrial model based on optimized shareholder performance to a more integrated sustainable model covering the entire product lifecycle and supply chain – including upstream and downstream activities.
An interesting, detailed and nuanced book that attempts, as it unfolds, to answer the key questions that the uninitiated are likely to ask:
– When could adhering to a value system conflict with short-term objectives?
– Does becoming a “responsible” company really cost money and negatively impact shareholder value?
– Why does it take so long and why is it so hard?
– To what extend does the transparency and public information policy conflict with competition and confidentiality issues?