Green to Gold

Green to Gold

A complete overview of all the constraints and opportunities connected with environmental responsibility.

Auteur(s) : Daniel C. Esty, Andrew S. Winston

Éditeur : Yale University Press

Date de parution : 2006

L'avis de manageris

“Green to gold” approaches environmental responsibility and corresponding corporate policies in a pragmatic and systematic manner. Going beyond general principles, this book methodically explores all of the constraints and opportunities connected with this new field. It draws conclusions both in terms of strategy development as well as operational management. The authors had the good taste to cite numerous examples of CSR pioneers, but also more ordinary firms grappling with the complexity of the subject and the plethora of constraints. They attempt to speak to all companies by showing that environmental strategies are not the privilege of a chosen few, which, out of ethical conviction, try to excel in this domain, but new criteria to include systematically in our management practices on the same level as financial metrics. Moreover, the main lesson of the book is that financial and environmental criteria are not incompatible—far from it. Managing the “green” side of the business is often the sign of sound strategy, focused investments and effective management. The reverse—significant waste or pollution—reveals organizational deficiencies or operational underperformance. Chapter 2 and chapter 11 will be particularly appreciated for their clear examples of initiatives and tips presented in the form of pitfalls to avoid.