Stimulate creativity in the field

N°176a – Synopsis (8p.) – Creativity
Stimulate creativity in the field
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How to stimulate the creativity of your employees? In addition to establishing sophisticated systems to collect ideas, companies would do well to adapt management practices accordingly.

How to stimulate the creativity of a business? Many companies try to apply special techniques designed to stimulate creativity, or establish collective thinking initiatives to encourage people to look at problems from an original angle.

Although these approaches can be helpful in getting employees to think creatively, the real issue lies elsewhere. Indeed, the best technique in the world cannot replace one decisive factor in creative performance, namely, the burning desire to tackle a problem, examine it from all angles and explore as many options as necessary to find a new and original solution that represents a real breakthrough.

However, it is not easy to stimulate and maintain this desire. Many proven management practices even tend to create the opposite effect! Research on the phenomenon of creativity points to four specific ways to maximize the creativity of the people in an organization:

– Recognize and value inventiveness in its own right, rather than the specific results people achieve.

– Give people autonomy in their work.

– Act in a way that encourages people to persevere in the face of adversity.

– Promote high quality standards by establishing feedback mechanisms and a culture of excellence; but do not interfere in the creative process itself.

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