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How can we make our top performers feel valued?
In a context of a war for talent, numerous companies are questioning themselves about the way to retain their strongest elements. According to Zach Mercurio, a researcher at Colorado State University’s Center for Meaning and Purpose, they often tend to underestimate a simple but essential lever: showing these employees that they matter to the team, and making them feel in what ways their contribution is unique.
This notably entails paying attention to them: a Gallup study found that half of the employees who had voluntarily left their company had not had an exchange with their manager for at least three months to discuss their experience in their position, their performance or their morale. Indeed, in an effort to manage their availability, managers devote themselves first and foremost to employees who have a problem to solve, or a deficit in performance—at the risk of leaving their best-performing employees isolated.
To make them feel valued, dedicate regular listening time to employees for whom “everything seems to be sailing smoothly”. Make sure you go beyond the exchange of operational information in your discussions with them: take an interest in the ways in which they proceed to achieve their results and help them become aware of their strong points.
Source: 3 Ways to Make Sure High Performers Feel Valued, Zach Mercurio, Harvard Business Review, November 2024.