L'énergie des émotions [The Energy of Feelings]

L'énergie des émotions [The Energy of Feelings]

How to manage the impact of our emotions on our professional performance?

Author(s): Laurence Saunder

Publisher: Editions Eyrolles

Date of publication: 2007

Manageris opinion

Emotions in a professional context are often regarded as incapacitating and embarrassing disturbances. Difficult to control, they are notoriously absent from manager training programs. Yet, emotions are at the root of our behavior, form our perceptions and determine our actions. Without emotions, we would neither move nor commit ourselves.
This book helps understand how emotions work in order to take constructive measures and restore control over them. How do feelings affect our biological behavior? Why does this instantaneous response help us react more quickly without taking time for rational thought? Why does managing our “emotional capital” have such an impact on our professional performance?
In particular, chapter 1 provides an instructive review of the different types of emotion and their corresponding archaic functions. Chapter 3 precisely describes at length the interactions between the emotional and rational brain. Chapters 4 to 7 directly address the issue of how our emotions affect our professional performance and offer practical advice on how to take better advantage of them.