Du management au marketing des services [From Management to Marketing Services]

Du management au marketing des services [From Management to Marketing Services]

How can high service quality enhance the buying experience?

Author(s): Benoît Meyronin , Charles Ditandy

Publisher: Dunod

Date of publication: 2007

Manageris opinion

How can companies enhance the buying experience and make the act of purchasing their offering more memorable to customers? Businesses that can turn buying their products into a “fun” experience for customers, for example, not only stand a greater chance of generating higher margins by charging higher prices, but also of retaining customers over time, and of having happier employees!
Service is critical today in practically every industry. This is the foundation of the conclusions of the authors, experts in the service industry. They explain the importance of “making a commercial gesture for customers,” an act that is often forgotten and should be restored. They state that companies must move away from purely transactional interactions to form lasting, successful relationships and a bond of trust with a loyal customer base.
The authors also propose many illustrated suggestions on effective ways to produce service of this level. They refute the idea that high quality service is exclusively reserved to high-end products and services, and remind readers of the “servuction” concept, in which production processes for services are managed like industrial processes. They assert that companies should try to continuously optimize the productivity and quality of their services. They also suggest making customers an integral part of the service production process.
This book contains many tips that should be useful to marketing managers in any industry.