Cultivez votre charisme [Cultivate Your Charisma]

Cultivez votre charisme [Cultivate Your Charisma]

Public speaking techniques to convince an audience.

Author(s): Chilina Hills

Publisher: Editions d'Organisation

Date of publication: 2005

Manageris opinion

Contrary to what the title may imply, this book is not devoted to personal development, but rather to public speaking techniques. The author, an experienced consultant, proposes to help readers learn to convince an audience. Expressed in a clear, no-nonsense style, the many easily deployable suggestions, instructive and well-chosen anecdotes make this book an easy must-read, and show that even in writing, Ms. Hills knows how to practice what she preaches!
The entire book is worth reading straight through. However, for tips on nonverbal communication (voice, posture, gestures, eye contact, etc.), you are advised to go first to chapters 3 to 7, which stand out in terms of their ability to get readers to visualize things that are difficult to describe in writing. Among the most useful and original passages, we would like to point out the chapter concerning the need to identify and strike the most sensitive chords of the audience (chapter 9), the advice on using the largest possible number of motivational triggers (chapter 12), the section on how to avoid the ""macho syndrome"" (chapter 11), as well as the final chapter that recommends using unexpected incidents as a springboard to reinforce the bond with the audience (conclusion). In addition, chapter 10 contains many useful – although more traditional – suggestions, but which are also illustrated with great clarity, about ""making the audience intelligent"" and thus facilitating the transmission of the message.