Coping with Toxic Managers, Subordinates... and Other Difficult People

Coping with Toxic Managers, Subordinates... and Other Difficult People

Better understand the psychological aspects of the toxic behavior of the boss in order to manage it better.

Author(s): Roy H. Lubit

Publisher: Financial Times Prentice Hall

Date of publication: 2003

Manageris opinion

This book is a practical guide to those who are faced with difficult personalities in the workplace, whether they be superiors, subordinates or colleagues. The proffered advice is intended for use on an individual level, as well as by the managers or HR representatives in a position to address interpersonal problems that arise within their teams.
Written by a psychologist specialized in organizational management research, this book catalogues the various psychological disorders that the people in an organization may personally experience or observe. No fewer than 27 case studies are covered, describing various types of psychological profiles--e.g. narcissist, opportunist, unethical, paranoid, etc.--as wella s difficult situations, such as burnout, alcoholism, etc. In each instance, the author describes the symptoms and negative effects, explains the probable causes and especially offers practical advice to cope with the situation. He also indicates further scientific and literary sources to explore a given area further.