Seizing the White Space

Seizing the White Space

How to find new avenues of growth outside the core business, akin to Apple, Hilti ou Dow Corning?

Auteur(s) : Mark W. Johnson

Éditeur : Harvard Business Press

Date de parution : 2010

L'avis de manageris

According to a 2008 IBM survey, almost all CEOs observe the need to adapt their business model. Yet, the author of "Seizing the White Space" points out that large corporations devote less than ten percent of their investments to developing alternative business models. Is this out of fear or blindless? The consequence is that many companies miss out on attractive growth opportunities.
Starting with the analysis of detailed case studies of companies which have taken the leap to create a radically new busienss, such as Apple, Hilti or Dow Corning, Mark W. Johnson describes how to find new avenues of growth outside the core business.  He describes four essential phases in detail: Identifying the new value proposition, building an adapted business model, targeting the processes and resources essential to the success of this model, and progressively testing these processes and resources. He also warns against traps caused by the influence of the core business. This book offers a highly-structured approach with many examples to help managers tackle the notion of creating a business with greater serenity.