Resilience in a Hotter World

Resilience in a Hotter World

How can we get ready to face the disturbances related to climate change?

Author(s): Andrew Winston

Publisher: Harvard Business Review

Date of publication: 2014

Read this article on the publisher's website [Harvard Business Review]


Because of climate change, enterprises must be ready to regularly face unforeseen disturbances. These changes threaten the ecosystems they depend upon and can at any moment disrupt their activity. The risk is made worse by the extension of the supply chains, which leads to the propagation of the crises to a global scale. Andrew Winston proposes business leaders concrete actions to reduce the vulnerability of their organizations. He particularly highlights how enterprises such as Adidas and Nike reduce their dependency on specific resources such as water, by working on new processes or by securing alternatives. He also insists on how risk prevention must be conducted together with partners and suppliers.